The Process of Elimination for Elevation

If You Don’t Simplify, You Will Complicate

Simplify your life by eliminating unnecessary things. The burden we carry as women are literally too much to carry. To elevate to the spaces we want, we have to learn to release the burden of those things. Simplify sis. Don’t add more things to your list of responsibilities. Don’t add more people to your circle of acquaintances. Don’t add more tasks or projects to your workload. Simplify it by removing the extra that is not needed and keeping only necessary ones in place; this way, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters in life without being distracted by unimportant distractions or excess baggage (extreme simplification).


Focus On What Matters Most

At the end of every 3 months, take a look at your life.

How are you feeling? How has this quarter been? What’s working for you? Have you had your focus on your family, your dreams, your spouse, and yourself? Or did you get distracted by what was happening in other people’s families and businesses? Where are you seeing results?  If there is something in your life that isn’t working or helping you elevate, then eliminate it immediately.

What Is Working for You, and What Isn’t

It’s important to know what is working and what isn’t so that you can see what needs changing.

Ask yourself: why is it not working? Then, how do I change it so that it does work?

Once you have an idea of what is working and what isn’t, you can start to make changes.

Evaluate Your Goals and Your Consistency to Them

If you are not consistent with your goals, you will not achieve them. Similarly, if you are not consistent with your goals, then there is no way for them to elevate your life. The process of elimination is a powerful tool that can help us evaluate our priorities and make sure that we’re doing what is important in our lives.

The process of elimination is a powerful tool that can help us evaluate our priorities and make sure that we’re doing what is important in our lives. If you have too many goals, then you will not be able to achieve any of them. Similarly, if you are not consistent with your goals, then there is no way for them to elevate your life.

Eliminate Someone or Something That Doesn’t Help You Elevate

Sometimes, it’s not as easy as just “eliminating.”

Sometimes, you need to be more intentional about what you are eliminating and why.

Let me give you an example:

I had a client who was trying to start their own business after years of working for someone else. We were talking about the next steps they needed to take to get started and I could tell that she was struggling with something internally because her energy was slightly higher than usual.

So we stopped talking about getting started in general terms and instead got specific about what would happen if she actually pulled the trigger on creating her own business: How much money did she want? Where would she live? What kind of hours did she want? We went through all these different questions until we identified what matters most to her (and it wasn’t money). It wasn’t until this process occurred that we could really start talking about how important it is for her not only to get clarity around the things that matter most but also to eliminate those things which do not help her elevate herself or others around her. Sometimes elimination is more intentional and causes you to take a different perspective on your goals.

Use the Process of Elimination to Help You Simplify

It is important to acknowledge the things that are not working for you in your life, and eliminate them. This process can be applied to an unhealthy lifestyle, friends who don’t support you, or even a job you are doing that isn’t helping you reach your goals. It seems difficult at first, but once you begin eliminating everything that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life, it becomes easier to focus on what does matter most and how best to achieve those goals.

To elevate, you have to eliminate.

Now that you’re aware of the importance of simplifying and what it can do for you, let’s talk about how to do it. Simplification is an ongoing process. It doesn’t happen in a day or even a week! It takes time, effort, and commitment. Slowly as you enable this habit you’ll release what isn’t working for you and eliminate what you need to let go of so you can lighten your load and soar higher!

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