It is important to recognize your significance because it will help you be more confident and happy, as well as improve your relationships with others. You will also feel less stressed and less anxious if you can value yourself more.
Women are the most powerful people on Earth!
You have made significant achievements and success in your life, yet despite these achievements, you still face significant barriers to recognition.
You have been taught to be modest, nice, and not too big-headed which contributes to the internal struggle many women feel in recognizing their own significance and worth in the world.
You are a leader. No matter your role or title, every woman has the power and opportunity to lead others. This is something women should make a conscious choice to live boldly and lead even bolder. Leadership is more than rank or title but rather a mindset that elevates others while remaining true to one’s values, which may be different depending on one’s life experiences, cultural context, and personal beliefs.
It’s time for us all to step up as leaders in our communities and in the world at large, putting ourselves out there even when it feels uncomfortable or scary because we know it will benefit others around us.
You have to be aware of your own value. You have to recognize that you are powerful and strong, that you can make a difference in this world and lead it to a brighter future!
You must choose to live boldly and confidently, knowing that those around you will follow if they see the light of hope shining brightly from within.
In the end, what’s important is that every woman needs to be able to recognize her own significance in this world. This will help us make progress as a society in general and also allow us to create more opportunities and impact. I hope this post has been helpful for you today and if there are any specific topics you would like me to discuss feel free to contact me at any time!
Be sure to join the Search for Significance 5-Day Identity Challenge to learn more about your own significance and power position! Register at